6L'2006 (:
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ xins again
Yo people
dead blog this is lol
what happened to our eeting sessions eh
when you all free
thne we can go out =))))))))))

haha havent know what special programme i go but shoud be Humanities Program cuz my msg should be quite safe. 

im never going to be a doc cuz i didnt take bio =) /=(

lalala mrs chan pri sch end ler leh when u free

sian i dont think anyone will read this blog anymore lol 


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @
hello, all my sinfully clever ex classmates. (: this blog died already so i, the possible future doctor, am here to revive it. :D

so how are you all lately? holidays began already, and life is quite boring. actually though my holidays started like more than a week ago but it feels like it just started only. because of drama keep having to go back to school - -" but nevermind no more drama already :D

i got the subject combi i wanted! so next year im taking:
1. biology
2. chemistry
3. geography
4. integrated mathematics
5. integrated humanities
6. language arts
7. chinese and culture
im just worried that i wont know anybody in my new class. we're going to know our sec3 class allocations on friday.

hmm, and my seniors all went for global classroom programme so i currently have no cca yet. if have can kill time yah. hmm, but need to practice flag if not when cca resume our skills all beh already. -.-

oh yah and right if you all got see my lj then sure got see the spongebob hoodies and the patrick hoodie! omg so cute right~ :D me and 2 of my sqdms are going to buy HAHA. and right imagine the three of us wearing together, zai~

-sigh- this post is so crap. - -"

here is one interesting fact:

i can wear my p5 wvps hydra house tee, and i still wear it very often at home. (: BUT, im still growing taller. :D

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 @
HELLO :D i am sinfully clever (as admitted by everyone HAHA) so i decided to be nice and post here to spread my intelligence (:

so when are we going to go eet! i dont mind if someone just buys me food from bpp or something haha :D

so erm im hoping that next year i can take bio+chem+geog :D we'll know our subject combi by 7nov and sec3 classes by 14nov. (:

after going to secondary school, i realise how we should've treasured p.school! D: slack fun and almost totally stress-free. in secondary school, nobody is really there to guide you along, and no more legend mama and friends are just more different. and sometimes in secondary school, we get treated worse than dabian.

hmm but coming to ccas, i like my cca. sqdms are the best luh in secondary school. and erm, i actually have a very healthy mind, thank you very much. and npccdalt really helps you gain alot. in npcc alone got a wide variety of stuff already, then learn dalt somemore. oh dalt is shuangggg manz. wu-ing shi, da-ing ba and longyue, and soon, gu! :D im a shiwei~~~ and i think nobody from 6L knows that. haha. which means im the butt, the lively and very cute to look at butt. so next time if got caiqing i ask you all to order shi you all better order hor hahahahahah since some of you -ahem-xinrui-ahem- seem quite rich :D

mm. okay got nothing else to say already. lets go eet~~~ :D

i am glenda by the way. the sinfully clever guygirl! :D

@ 2nd Post by Xins
Yo people xinrui here
Im so honoured to be the second to post!!!

Anyways my apologies to Legend Mama for not going back during Teachers' day, got some abuleka stuff to do cant run. :(

How fast had 2 years passed. It is sometimes nice to look back and reflect at the years that had passed. Did you all enjoy your new school? your new environment? your new friends? your new cca's? I think most of us did, except for a few. I think it's just a matter of perspective.

Haha maybe everyone can post on how their 2 years have been. I shall be the first! (CLAP)

So how was my 2 years?
Let me describe them as 2 mountains, full of obstacles on the way. Of course they are not as fun and enjoying as primary school life But everyone has to go through this, so ya I believe we all had to learn to adapt to out new environment.

No one i knew was in the same class as me, but i made friends quite fast. (muahahahaha)

I chose a CCA that no one thought that i will join : Chinese Drama
You all may laugh (some of you did =.=). I don't really care as i love my cca a lot luh. Just like the others. You see in Chinese Drama we all get to work as a team and solve problems as one. I learnt lots of stuff in it. When we hear the applause from the audience at the end, there is really a great sense of satisfaction. (anw thanks yucheng chuanrui lihui and kimyee for your support =D )
P.S. We have a major production at victoria next year. (CLAP)

K la don't kill all of you with boredom.

Some say primary school friends will not last.
I don't really think so.
This blog is a perfect example.

Some say your real friends are mostly in secondary school.
Not for me.
I prefer Primary school friends.
Trustable, true, innocent.
Not like secondary school
where lots of things happen without the teacher knowing

See i still have this bunch of friends 
3 words from me to you all with love
I would really like to be in the same class as you all again lol
It will seriously be very fun.

sorry la but my english not that good. Prefer to blog in Chinese.

Here's a story i heard in OBS, and i found it in the internet.(mrs chan you can tell your p6 kids too) http://www.indianchild.com/parable_of_the_pencil.htm

Anyway here it is:
The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. 

"There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be."

"One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand."

"Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil."

"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make."

"Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."

"And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write."

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.

You can go to the website to see the explanation.


My school has a special programme called HUmanities Programme and i chose it.
Its ironic luh, my humanities suck the most, but i am taking it lol. 

2 science
3 humans
2 maths
1 chi
1 eng
1 Research paper
I didnt take bio cuz i think it would be too stressful. And i got malay as 3rd lang also. 
SO what did you all take?


Xin Rui

放掉以前的仇恨, 抛开现在的烦恼, 展望美好的未来

Monday, November 3, 2008 @
hello 6L-ers! lets have gathering and go eeeeeeeeeeet :D


the legendary
west view p.school
class of 2006



.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.